A Universal Love Story
“A Universal Love Story”- Sci-Fi Drama/10min/Esperanto/2017
written & directed by Natalie MacMahon
"In a distant future dominated by self-absorption, 'A Universal Love Story' explores the quest for human connection.
This sci-fi experimental drama in Esperanto delves into the challenge of finding love in an impersonal world. As the memory of love endures, hope arises for a chance at rekindling it, sometimes requiring a miraculous intervention from another universe to ignite a revolution."
“A Universal Love Story” presented by GERMAN FILMS QUARTERLY:
“A Universal Love Story” will be available on the the number one European streaming platform SOONER this spring!
Interview about the film:
Review of the film- "Largo Film Awards":
Many things in human relationships seem strange and
alien. Alien is a keyword here, explored by Natalie MacMahon in a very inspired and creative way. There is nothing more strange than finding love where it wasn’t before or seeing it fade and disappear knowing how deep it was in the beginning.
From complete happiness to utter despair, "A Universal Love Story" reflects on the way these situations develop in a fictional setting still being developed: the future and its aesthetics, here seen in a very positive light. "A Universal Love Story" is different, is alive and is filled with hope. Romance can develop anywhere, and the beautiful future developed in the mind of MacMahon seems to be bright, social and positive, three things we should work hard to achieve by then.
A Violent Noise
This is an unusual love story under even more unusual circumstances. After all: all we need is love.
In a world where real human voices can be downloaded onto a humanoid robot, there is no need to meet a partner in real life. But what if that relationship with your artificial partner seems so authentic that you end up falling in love, but the voice sample download is about to time out? Time to say goodbye?
"Perforta bruo"
En mondo, en kiu veraj homaj voĉoj povas elŝutiĝi en roboton, ne necesas renkonti partneron en reala vivo. Sed kion fari, se tiu rilato kun via homeca roboto ŝajnas tiom aŭtentika, ke vi enamiĝas, sed la elŝutita voĉspecimeno baldaŭ eksvalidiĝos? Ĉu la tempo por malsaluti?
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